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Generic Enrolment Form

Reach Us

Whatsapp/Call us on - +447391655083
Write us on - kentonroad@concept.study
Send Post card on - 8 Sandpiper Road, CM17 0SN, UK

If you don't like first class and decide not to continue then we will not charge anything (Yes, it is Risk-Free)

Concept-based skill development courses with subject matter expert teachers specially designed for kids to help them in learning and development.

All Courses Covers...
- Affordable Monthly Fee
- Cancel any time (No Locking)
- 100% no-question asked refund policy

All Courses are in ...
- Small Group Classes
- Personalised Classes

    Parent Name*

    Parent Email*

    Parent's Mobile/Whatsapp Number*

    Secondary Mobile Number


    Post Code*

    Student Name*

    Student Age*

    Student Year/Grade*

    Student School*

    Classes/Course Name*

    Board (For higher grades)

    Class per week*

    Class Mode*

    Start Date

    Additional Information

    Referral Code

    Preferred Days & Time Slots (if any)

    Time Slot
    Start Time


    Time Slot
    Start Time


    Time Slot
    Start Time


    Time Slot
    Start Time


    Time Slot
    Start Time


    Time Slot
    Start Time


    Time Slot
    Start Time

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