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Enrolment – 11+ Classes (Year 3, Year 4, Year 5)

No Contracts, No Direct Debit, Pay As You Go

Try Unlimited Risk-Free Trial Classes

Pay monthly via Bank Transfer

Cancel anytime with 100% refund policy

Don’t like don’t pay

Reach Us

Whatsapp/Call us on - +447391655083
Write us on - support@concept.study
Send Post card on - 8 Sandpiper Road, CM17 0SN, UK

How This Works

1. Enrol for our regular classes by sharing basis details & time preferences (No upfront payment, Pay later, No Contract, Cancel anytime)
2. Join regular class. If you don’t like the first session and ask to change the tutor then it is free but if you like the season and decide to continue with the same tutor then only…
3. Pay monthly fee for upcoming classes including the previous class (which you like).

Unlimited Risk-Free Trial Policy